Product Code:
548098 (Softbound)
548104 (e-book)
978-1-60554-809-8 (Softbound)
978-1-60554-810-4 (e-book)
Age Focus: 0-8
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Support Diverse Dual Language Learners

Responsive Practice for Dual Language Learners in Early Childhood Education provides educators theoretical background and practical advice as they welcome an increasing number of dual language learners into their early childhood programs, to support these children to learn and flourish. Author Jennifer Chen shares case studies from her fieldwork with diverse early childhood classrooms, demonstrating her Four Cornerstone model of responsive practice while offering reflective questions to help educators implement it in their own contexts.

Learn to apply the Four Cornerstones model’s tenets of developmentally responsive, culturally responsive, linguistically responsive, and contextually appropriate practice in a variety of real-life situations, including while providing scaffolding for children, while building relationships with parents, and while working with children with a variety of needs.

Age Focus: 0–8. Softbound, 144 pgs.


"Responsive Practice for Dual Language Learners in Early Childhood Education offers the perfect blend of theory and practice. Dr. Jennifer Chen's gift for articulating her ideas through case studies complements her ability to describe research in straightforward ways. We see dual language research in action through vignettes with real teachers and children, making implementation of Dr. Chen's suggestions seem less daunting. An indispensable resource, Responsive Practice replaces dual language bewilderment and bafflement with scaffolding and solutions any teacher can implement."  —Carrie S. Cutler, EdD, Clinical Associate Professor, University of Houston

"Dr. Jennifer Chen’s Four Cornerstones model of responsive practice provides a thoughtful framework for analyzing our work with DLL students. Through that lens, we can connect with our students as well as their families. The case studies highlight authentically the challenges and successes of working with students in our superdiverse classrooms. Dr. Chen provides invaluable strategies for working with DLLs from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and those with special needs. A must read for all early childhood educators!" —Linda Trebino, MA, principal of Frances C. Smith Center for Early Childhood Education

About Jennifer J. Chen, EdD

Jennifer J. Chen, EdD, is tenured full professor and chair of the Department of Early Childhood Education at Kean University in Union, New Jersey. She holds her BA in psychology (with a minor in more..

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