Product Code:
544335 (Softbound)
541945 (e-book)
978-1-60554-433-5 (Softbound)
978-1-60554-194-5 (e-book)
Age Focus: 0-5
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Promote lifelong healthy eating habits

Nutrition has vital and long-lasting effects on children's development. Good nutrition helps children learn better and promotes lifelong healthy eating habits. Connecting current scientific research with best practices, Rethinking Nutrition provides information to help you meet and understand children's nutritional and developmental needs.
Learn how to:
  • Promote proper nutrition for the healthy growth of children from birth to age five
  • Address special dietary needs, including food allergies, obesity, family preferences, and chronic diseases
  • Establish healthy eating and feeding habits
  • Use food and mealtimes to promote children's social and intellectual development
  • Implement food and nutrition policies in early childhood settings

Each chapter also provides a series of examples that bring nutrition principles to life in early childhood settings, topic suggestions for staff discussions, sample letters to families, and a list of further readings. Extensive appendixes provide additional information on federal nutrition regulations, preventing food-borne illnesses, the USDA's MyPlate for Preschoolers, and more.

192 pages

About Susan Nitzke, PhD, RD

Lead author Susan Nitzke, PhD, RD, is a professor, extension specialist, and chair of the Nutritional Sciences Department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. All four principal authors-Dave more..

About Dave Riley, PhD

Dave Riley, PhD, began working as a Head Start Assistant Teacher in East Los Angeles in 1972 and has several years' experience as a Head Start educational consultant. He has taught at the community more..

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